Some interesting experience. A few weeks ago, my 10gR2 RAC on Linux couldn't auto start the database or ASM on server bootup. I had to use sqlplus to startup. The reason was that srvctl start database or asm is used by CRS on server reboot. Manually running srvctl couldn't start the DB. The solution was cleaning (with crs_unregister) OCR, Oracle cluster registry, and then adding (with crs_register) resources into OCR. Now everything starts fine on reboot. This may not be related to your problem, because yours is that even CRS doesn't auto start. To completely clean up OCR (cluster registry) regardless dependency: for i in $(crs_stat | grep NAME | awk -F= '{print $2}'); do crs_unregister $i; done Run it at least twice since some depend on others (e.g. listener depends on VIP) But completely cleaning OCR may be an overkill. Adding resources back is a tedious process! crs_stat -t shows all resources in CRS in a nice format but names are abbreviated crs_stat | grep NAME shows all names crs_stat -p shows the content for that resource, e.g. crs_stat -p ora.server1.LISTENER_SERVER1.lsnr crs_stat -p ora.server1.gsd crs_stat -p ora.server1.ons crs_stat -p Interesting lines: REQUIRED_RESOURCES says this resource (e.g. listener) depends on it (e.g. vip) USR_ORA_IF should be empty except for vip, where it's set to the vip interface (e.g. eth2) USR_ORA_NETMASK should be empty except for vip, where it's e.g. (matches ifconfig output or ifcfg-) USR_ORA_VIP should be empty except for vip, where it's e.g. (matches entry in ifconfig output or ifcfg-) (ifcfg- should have BROADCAST address ending with 255) crs_unregister listener first, vip second, because of dependencies (crs_stat -p | grep REQUIRED_RESOURCES) crs_register is done by root. But some permissions (including ownership) should be changed. crs_getperm to see the perms. These commands must be run: crs_setperm ora.server1.LISTENER_SERVER1.lsnr -o oracle crs_setperm ora.server1.LISTENER_SERVER1.lsnr -g oinstall crs_setperm -g oinstall crs_setperm -u user:oracle:r-x If not, only root would be able to run srvctl start nodeapps -n ''. We want oracle to run that command. srvctl common commands: srvctl status nodeapps -n '' srvctl config nodeapps -n '' -a -g -s -l (config should be really be called list) srvctl stop nodeapps -n '' srvctl start nodeapps -n '' I have less success with srvctl add. I just use crs_register followed by crs_setperm. vipca does crs_register at the end so you don't have to do it manually. /app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs/crs/profile must have files like: ora.server1.LISTENER_SERVER1.lsnr.cap i.e. .cap files for crs_register to run. You can prepare those files by crs_stat -p . Yong Huang