Current Timestamp over DB Link Your idea is excellent! I searched dba_arguments for a function name that sounds promising and found KUPF$FILE.GET_FORMATTED_TIME. The good thing about it is that the package is used for data pumps so there's no license restriction. Here's a test to find local time and remote time. I deliberately changed the remote system time to slightly off for easy observation: SQL> select sys.KUPF$FILE.GET_FORMATTED_TIME, sys.KUPF$FILE.GET_FORMATTED_TIME@yongtest from dual; GET_FORMATTED_TIME ------------------------------ GET_FORMATTED_TIME ------------------------------ 09:41:28.702 09:40:22.634 Obviously this function is undocumented. Every upgrade requires review of your code if you do use it in production. Yong Huang Tanel Poder wrote: > What about some existing function like this one? (You'd need to grant exec > access to it and as it's a SQLTUNE one, it probably needs tuning pack > license too): > SQL> SELECT sysdate, sys.dbms_sqltune_util1.get_current_time local_time, > sys.dbms_sqltune_util1.get_current_time@sol121 remote_time FROM dual; > > SYSDATE LOCAL_TIME REMOTE_TIME > ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- > 20140621 22:41:36 20140621 22:41:35 20140617 13:52:36 > > > But there may be more existing functions like this one out there...,8